
Sinocyclocheiluslongicornussp. nov. is described from the Pearl River basin in Hongguo Town, Panzhou City, Guizhou Province, Southwest China. Based on the presence of the long horn-like structure on the back of the head, Sinocyclocheiluslongicornussp. nov. is assigned to the Sinocyclocheilusangularis species group. Sinocyclocheiluslongicornussp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of morphological characters: (1) presence of a single, relatively long horn-like structure on the back of the head; (2) pigmentation absent; (3) reduced eyes; (4) dorsal-fin rays, ii, 7; (5) pectoral-fin rays, i, 13; (6) anal-fin rays, iii, 5; (7) pelvic-fin rays, i, 7; (8) lateral line pores 38-49; (9) gill rakers well developed, nine on first gill arch; and (10) tip of adpressed pelvic fin not reaching anus.

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