
 Candra Bhairawa manuscript is a classical literary work which is full of knowledge. It is selected as the object of this study, aimed at a deeper investigation of the meanings of Hinduism teachings in said literary work. Furthermore, this study on Candra Bhairawa manuscript also aimed at identifying the aspects of Siwa-Buddha Ta wa. The Syncretism of Siwa and Buddha has become a way of life, which in turn gave birth to several literary works that have become moral guideline for literary enthusiast in the archipelago. The Hermeneutics theory was used to analyze the aspects of meanings of the text in Candra Bhairawa manuscript. The study shows that the Candra Bhairawa manuscript was based on two contrasting basic conceptions of Siwa and Buddha, which formed a balance aiming at a mutual goal of the deliverance of the soul from worldly ties, known as Moksa. In order to achieve said state, one must go through several stages known as sanyasa, namely the Yoga Sanyasa and the Karma Sanyasa.


  • Abstrak Candra Bhairawa merupakan karya sastra yang tergolong klasik memiliki banyak pengetahuan

  • Dalam ajaran Budha dipercaya bahwa Yoga Sanyasa mampu melepaskan roh Raja Bhairawa menuju alam sorga, sama halnya dengan Raja Yudistira yang dipercaya mampu juga melepaskan rohnya menuju alam sorga, seperti dalam kutipan berikut: Sesampune manyingakin indike punika, raris Maharaja Bhairawa malinggih masemadhi lan manunggaling Bayu, Sabha lan Idep Ida

  • Ajaran Maharaja Candra Bhairawa dari Kerajaan Dewantara yang mengajarkan rakyatnya untuk selalu menjalankan nilai-nilai keagamaan di dalam diri tanpa perlu tempat suci dan tanpa perlu persembahan yadnya ke hadapan Tuhan

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Made Dian Saputra dan I Nyoman Suarka

Hlm. 201–214 dalam pembahasan menyebutkan Candra Bhairawa dilatari dua konsepsi dasar yang kontras antara Siwa dan Buddha, tetapi keduanya membentuk keseimbangan dengan berorientasi kepada suatu tujuan yang sama yaitu kebebasan jiwa dari ikatan duniawi atau disebut Moksa.

Wacana Tunggal Konsep Tunggal atau Satu dijadikan istilah bersatunya konsep
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