
We study the local propagation of conormal singularities for solutions of semilinear wave equations $\square u = P(y, u)$, where $P(y, u)$ is a polynomial of degree $N \geq 3$ in $u$ with $C^\infty(\mathbb{R}^3_y)$ coefficients. We know from the work of Melrose & Ritter and Bony that if u is conormal to three waves which intersect transversally at point $q$, then after the triple interaction $u(y)$ is a conormal distribution with respect to the three waves and the characteristic cone $Q$ with vertex at $q$. We compute the principal symbol of $u$ at the cone and away from the hypersurfaces. We show that if $\partial_u^3 P (q, u(q)) \neq 0$, $u$ is an ellipitic conormal distribution.

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