
Abstract Introduction Cardioneuroablation (CNA) is a promising therapy of a spectrum of arrhythmias dependent on increased activity of parasympathetic tone. The right anterior ganglionated plexus (RAGP), localized paraseptally between right atrium and right superior pulmonary vein, is frequently a primary target for CNA. Methods are sought to determine exact locations of RAGP to minimize ablation lesion set during CNA. Immediate and accurate intraprocedural visualization of RAGP area in patients undergoing CNA is desirable. Methods Consecutive patients who underwent right-atrial CNA for reflex syncope, symptomatic bradycardia or vagal atrial fibrillation were included into the study. After venous contrast injection a 3-dimensional rotational atrial scan (3DRAS) was used to obtain digital images. Next, manual segmentation (MS) of hypodense areas between the right atrium (RA) and the right superior pulmonary vein (RSPV) was performed to reconstruct RAGP. Using 3-dimensional mapping system such created 3D RAGP area visualisation was automatically synchronized with fluoroscopy and these sites were targeted for CNA. Heart rate (HR) acceleration ≥30% and ultra-short-term deceleration capacity (UST-DC) were used for determination of acute CNA outcomes. Results Five patients (3 males, age 37±17) underwent 3DRAS and MS of RAGP area during CNA. A single radiofrequency lesion was delivered in each patient (mean RF time - 33±15s, power - 25W). The mean procedure time was 40±13 minutes. Targeted HR acceleration was achieved in all patients (baseline HR vs post-CNA HR, 57±8bpm vs 93±11bpm; p=0.0007; mean HR acceleration 65±15%). UST-DC significantly decreased after CNA (pre-CNA UST-DC vs post-CNA UST-DC, 13.6ms vs 3.2ms, p=0.00096). There were no complications. Conclusions Single-shot simplified CNA is feasible. Visualization of RAGP area using 3DRAS and MS is safe, effective and can very rapidly delineate CNA target.Figure

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