
Quantum correlations, where two or more parties exhibit strong correlations in a particular degree of freedom are important resources for fundamental science [1], such as the exploration of non-locality and entanglement, as well as non-classical technologies including quantum computation, quantum key distribution and quantum metrology. One typical way to generate correlated photon pairs is to use the spontaneous four-wave mixing process, with demonstrations on various platforms [2]. So far, single-photon stimulated four-wave mixing (FWM) has been demonstrated in optical fibers [3]. Here we show induced correlation by single photon seeded FWM through exploiting the orthogonal polarization modes in an integrated ring resonator [4]. We allow two different four-wave mixing processes to occur simultaneously with the same signal frequency mode but different idler frequency modes (see Fig.1(a)). The single-photon induced FWM process, named here seeded FWM, was created through the link of type-0 SFWM and type-2 SFWM. In the type-0 process, two excitation photons from the same field are converted into two new photons, signal and idler, with the same polarization as the pump field. While in the type-2 FWM, two annihilated photons, each one from a different polarized pump field, namely TE and TM, generate an orthogonal-polarized photon pair. More importantly, spatial and temporal overlapping of two processes and their sharing of one common resonance lead to correlation between the other two signal photons, one from each process. For example, an idler photon created in type-0 FWM seeds the type-2 FWM process or vice versa, i.e. the TM idler photon in Fig. 1, induces correlation between the signal TM and TE photons. This is proven by the observation of a clear coincidence peak for both signal photons in Fig.1(b). Furthermore, we confirmed our observation via power-dependent correlation measurements (see Fig.1 (c)). We summarized the true coincidence count (C) and its coincidence to accidental ratio (CAR) when only the TE pump power is increased while maintaining the TM mode pump power (black squares), and both pump powers are increased with a constant ratio (blue dots). We found that the seeded FWM scales with the square of both pump powers (C « Pj e Ptm) and that the CAR reach its maxima of 1.5 at the available pump power, indicating thermal statistics. Our findings are relevant to the fundamental understanding of spontaneous parametric effects as well as single-photon induced processes and single photon cloning.

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