
Nonlinear transport properties of single-layer metal-on-metal islands driven with strong static and time-dependent forces are studied. We apply a semiempirical lattice model and use master-equation and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation methods to compute observables such as the velocity and the diffusion coefficient. Two types of time-dependent driving are considered: a pulsed rotated field and an alternating field with a zero net force (electrophoretic ratchet). Small islands up to 12 atoms were studied in detail with the master-equation method and larger ones with simulations. Results are presented mainly for a parametrization of Cu on Cu(001) surface, which has been the main system of interest in several previous studies. The main results are that the pulsed field can increase the current in both diagonal and axis direction when compared to static field, and there exists a current inversion in the electrophoretic ratchet. Both of these phenomena are a consequence of the coupling of the internal dynamics of the island with its transport. In addition to the previously discovered "magic size"effect for islands in equilibrium, a strong odd-even effect was found for islands driven far out of equilibrium. Master-equation computations revealed nonmonotonous behavior for the leading relaxation constant and effective Arrhenius parameters. Using cycle optimization methods, typical island transport mechanisms are identified for small islands.

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