
This paper studies the single-file diffusion process on a linear chain of identical pointlike particles with multiple-site occupation confined in a one-dimensional box. The particles are noninteracting, except that double occupancy is forbidden. When particles are confined in a finite box, the final stage is saturation. By means of combinatorial analysis, an exact numerical evaluation of the saturation values for both the mean-square displacement (MSD) of a tracer particle and the center of mass of the system are obtained. Different initial distributions of particles are introduced. The time dependence of the MSD is obtained by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The values of the MSD for the tracer particles as well as the center of mass of the system depend on the size of the particle, the size of the box, and the initial distribution. Moreover, the transient regime depends on the initial distribution. In fact, the crossover from normal to subdiffusive regime is observed for random and alternate initial distributions, while superdiffusive diffusion appears for any stacked initial distributions. In all cases, it is shown that the collisions between particles do not determine the time exponent of the MSD. A simple expression for the transient regime is also obtained for the especial case of random initial distribution.

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