
The continuum-distorted-wave–Born-initial-state (CDW-BIS)approximation for the description of single-electron capture fromhelium-like atomic systems by completely stripped projectiles ispresented. The theoretical total cross-sections for chargeexchange in α-He and p-Li+collisions are reported in the energy range 50–2000 keV/amu.We also report the results obtained by means of thecontinuum-distorted-wave–Born-final-state (CDW-BFS)approximation. Detailed computations for differentialcross-sections are performed for p-He collisions at500 and 200 keV. A comparison between the four-bodyone-channel distorted-wave approximation and three-bodydistorted-wave (CDW-3B) approximation is made for differentialcross-sections at 200 keV. The validity of our findings iscritically assessed in comparison with the available experimentaldata.

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