
Abstract Berea and Bandera sandstone samples were impacted with both 3/4-in. and 1/2-in. long wedges, each having a 60° included angle and a 0.05-in. flat, at various confining pressures, with borehole and pore pressures held fixed at atmospheric pressure. Samples were saturated with air, water, glycerine-water, soltrol, mineral oil and soltrol, mineral oil mixtures to obtain a wide range of pore fluid viscosity. Penetration depth was held constant at 0.1 in. Dry and soltrol-mineral oil-saturated Berea samples were impacted at depths of penetration from 0.01 to 0.04 in. under 1,000 psi confining pressure to study crater initiation. Results indicate that viscosity of the pore fluid is influential primarily during the early stages of crater formation. Differences in bit force, crater volume and blow energy for tests parallel and perpendicular to bedding were significant, but decreased as the stress state was elevated. Crater volume, blow energy and bit force were nonlinearly related with depth of penetration. Crater volume was nonlinear with energy of blow. Fixed-penetration tests on saturated Berea yielded greater crater volume than did similar tests on dry samples. Differences in the nature of deformation for low values of bit penetration were noted between saturated and unsaturated samples. INTRODUCTION Rock failure during bit-tooth impact and scouring action constitutes a vital part of the drilling process and a difficult problem for researchers. Much study has been devoted to various aspects of the problem, and much has been learned about mechanics of rock failure. However, analytical treatment of drilling at depth remains difficult, partly because there are so many factors involved and because valid simulation of downhole conditions is extremely difficult. Forming individual craters by a bit tooth or chisel impacting, or indenting, a rock mass has been studied by many investigators.1–18 Similarity between single-tooth chisel impact and the corresponding action of a rotary bit has been discussed by Appl and Gatley.9 Garner, Podio, and Gatlin18 compared the similarity in single-blow impact tests with microbit drilling data reported by Cunningham and Eenink.19 Maurer11 has used single-tooth impact data to develop a "perfect cleaning" theory of rotary drilling. Individual roller cutter-tooth impact data have been reported by Young.20 Single-tooth tests in all of the cited literature were carried out on dry rocks. Inasmuch as any subsurface rock of oilfield interest is saturated with some fluid, it seemed desirable to study crater formation in permeable rocks saturated with a viscous pore fluid as a step, however short, toward more realistic simulation of subsurface conditions. This paper presents results of single-blow chisel impact studies on Berea and Bandera sandstones, both dry and saturated with pore fluids of various viscosities at confining pressures to 10,000 psi. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS The same basic apparatus for single-blow chisel impact at elevated stress states, described in earlier papers was used in this study.16,18 Fig. 1 shows the complete experimental system; Fig. 2 shows a cross section of the pressure cell, with a sample ready to be impacted. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Two different rocks, Berea and Bandera sandstones, were used in this study. Both rocks have been used extensively in research, and rock descriptions can be found in a paper by Gnirk and Cheatham.1 Permeability to air of Berea is about 300 md normal to bedding and 540 md parallel to bedding. Bandera had vertical and horizontal air permeabilities of 18 and 57 md, respectively. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS The same basic apparatus for single-blow chisel impact at elevated stress states, described in earlier papers was used in this study.16,18 Fig. 1 shows the complete experimental system; Fig. 2 shows a cross section of the pressure cell, with a sample ready to be impacted. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Two different rocks, Berea and Bandera sandstones, were used in this study. Both rocks have been used extensively in research, and rock descriptions can be found in a paper by Gnirk and Cheatham.1 Permeability to air of Berea is about 300 md normal to bedding and 540 md parallel to bedding. Bandera had vertical and horizontal air permeabilities of 18 and 57 md, respectively.

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