
In this paper we consider a system of two two-level atoms interacting with a single-mode quantized electromagnetic field in a lossless resonant cavity via l-photon-transition mechanism. The field and the atoms are initially prepared in the coherent state and the excited atomic states, respectively. For this system we investigate the entropy squeezing, the atomic variances, the von Neumann entropy and the atomic inversions for the single-atom case. Also we comment on the relationship between spin squeezing and linear entropy. We show that the amounts of the nonclassical effects exhibited in the entropy squeezing for the present system are less than those produced by the standard Jaynes–Cummings model. The entropy squeezing can give information on the corresponding von Neumann entropy. Also the nonclassical effects obtained from the asymmetric atoms are greater than those obtained from the symmetric ones. Finally, the entropy squeezing gives better information than the atomic variances only for the asymmetric atoms.

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