
Several contaminants exceed their environmental thresholds in Swedish marine surface waters. We ranked the toxicity-drivers among contaminants detected near heavy industry, based on toxicity to zooplankton, and identified di-butyl phthalate and sodium dodecyl sulphate as contaminants of concern. We tested their acute individual and mixture toxicity by assessing effects on mortality, biodiversity, algal growth, and copepod reproduction in natural mesozooplankton communities. The mixture effects were compared to Independent Action mixture model predictions. Egg production and algae growth were affected at 4 µmol/l DBP, and effects on mortality, algae growth and biodiversity were observed at 12 µmol/l SDS. The mixture (1 µmol/l DBP, 3 µmol/l SDS) affected all endpoints, and the observed effects were underestimated by 21% on average compared to predictions. We found that the successional trajectory in zooplankton communities was compound dependant, and that DBP and SDS are toxic to marine zooplankton, but at levels above measured environmental concentrations.

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