
Abstract— The induction of single‐strand breaks (alkali‐labile bonds plus frank breaks) in the DNA of Bacillus subtilis irradiated in vivo by monochromatic UV light at wavelengths from 254 to 434 nm was measured. The spectrum consists of a major far‐UV (below 320 nm) component and a minor near‐UV shoulder. A mutant deficient in DNA polymerase I accumulates breaks caused by near‐UV (above 320 nm) wavelengths faster than the wild‐type strain proficient in polymerase I. Measurable breaks in extracted DNA are induced at a higher frequency than those induced in vivo. Anoxia, glycerol, and diazobicyclo (2.2.2.) octane inhibit break formation in extracted DNA. Alkali‐labile bonds induced by 365‐nm UV radiation are largely (78%) covalent bond chain breaks, the remainder consists of true alkali‐labile bonds, probably apurinic and apyrimidinic sites.

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