
AbstractThe use of genomic markers in forest tree breeding is expected to improve the response to selection, especially within family. To evaluate the potential improvements from genotyping, we analyzed a large Pinus taeda L. clonal population (1,831 cloned individuals) tested in multiple environments. Of the total, 723 clones from five full-sib families were genotyped using 10,337 single-nucleotide polymorphism markers. Single-step models with genomic and pedigree-based relationships produced similar heritability estimates. Breeding value predictions were greatly improved with inclusion of genomic relationships, even when clonal replication was abundant. The improvement was limited to genotyped individuals and attributable to accounting for the Mendelian sampling effect. Reducing clonal replication by omitting data indicated that genotyping improved breeding values similar to clonal replication. Genomic selection predictive ability (masking phenotypes) was greater for stem straightness (0.68) than for growth traits (0.41 to 0.44). Predictive ability for a new full-sibling family was poorer than when full-sibling relationships were present between model training and validation sets. Species that are difficult to propagate clonally can use genotyping to improve within-family selection. Clonal testing combined with genotyping can produce breeding value accuracies adequate to graft selections directly into deployment orchards without progeny testing.

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