
C, the ZnSe film as a window layer can be successfullydeposited on the CIGS substrate with a longer depositiontime without damaging the CIGS layer.According to EDX data, the composition of the filmscorresponds to the 1 : 1 stoichiometry between Zn and Se inthis temperature range and there are no appreciable amountsof impurities such as carbide or oxide. UV-Vis spectroscopyfor these films indicates that the band gap of ZnSe films forboth precursors ranges from 2.65 eV to 2.8 eV, dependingupon the deposition process. Thus, it is believed that theZnSe films prepared in this study is very likely to replaceCdS (band gap: 2.44 eV), which is quite harmful to theenvironment.In conclusion, two new single-source precursors for ZnSethin film were synthesized and characterized. Both precur-sors were found to have improved thermal properties ofrelatively very low melting and decomposition temperatures,which are quite suitable in their application to a windowlayer material through MOCVD method. Using these pre-cursors, ZnSe thin films were successfully deposited onvarious substrates with a relatively large growth rate.

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