
Proposals for large-scale semiconductor spin-based quantum computers require high-fidelity single-shot qubit readout to perform error correction and read out qubit registers at the end of a computation. However, as devices scale to larger qubit numbers integrating readout sensors into densely packed qubit chips is a critical challenge. Two promising approaches are minimizing the footprint of the sensors, and extending the range of each sensor to read more qubits. Here we show high-fidelity single-shot electron spin readout using a nanoscale single-lead quantum dot (SLQD) sensor that is both compact and capable of reading multiple qubits. Our gate-based SLQD sensor is deployed in an all-epitaxial silicon donor spin-qubit device, and we demonstrate single-shot readout of three 31P donor quantum dot electron spins with a maximum fidelity of 95%. Importantly, in our device the quantum dot confinement potentials are provided inherently by the donors, removing the need for additional metallic confinement gates and resulting in strong capacitive interactions between sensor and donor quantum dots. Our results are consistent with a 1/d1.4 scaling of the capacitive coupling between sensor and 31P dots (where d is the sensor-dot distance), compared to 1/d2.5−3.0 in gate-defined quantum dot devices. Due to the small qubit size and strong capacitive interactions in all-epitaxial donor devices, we estimate a single sensor can achieve single-shot readout of approximately 15 qubits in a linear array, compared to 3–4 qubits for a similar sensor in a gate-defined quantum dot device. Our results highlight the potential for spin-qubit devices with significantly reduced sensor densities.Received 19 October 2021Revised 19 August 2022Accepted 4 January 2023DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.010319Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.Published by the American Physical SocietyPhysics Subject Headings (PhySH)Research AreasQuantum computationQuantum information with solid state qubitsQuantum metrologyQuantum Information

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