
This article provides an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of same-sex and mixed-gender schooling, the importance of diverse educational environments, the strategies for addressing disparities and promoting equality in education. The advantages of same-sex schools include potential benefits for academic achievement, social development, and the promotion of gender equity. However, disadvantages such as reinforcing gender stereotypes and limiting cross-gender interactions should be considered. Mixed-gender schools offer advantages such as diverse social interactions, balanced perspectives, and challenging gender stereotypes. However, potential disadvantages include gender disparities in attention and participation and the perpetuation of gender biases. Creating diverse educational environments is crucial for promoting positive outcomes in academic achievement, social development, cultural competence, and well-being. Strategies for addressing disparities and promoting equality include improving access to education, addressing gender disparities, prioritizing diversity and inclusion, enacting supportive legislation and policies, and engaging with communities. By implementing these strategies, educational institutions can create more equitable and inclusive learning environments. What makes this study particularly timely and relevant is the recent development of same-sex schools versus mixed schools as a political issue in Turkey. There are controversial discussions about this matter, and our research addresses these concerns with empirical evidence and a nuanced perspective.

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