
Images with hazy scene suffer from low-contrast, which reduces the visible quality of the scene, thus making object detection a more challenging task. Low-contrast can result from foggy weather conditions during image acquisition. Dehazing is a process of removal of haze from the photography of a hazy scene. Single-image dehazing based on dark channel priors are well-known techniques in this field. However, the performance of such techniques is limited to priors or constraints. Moreover, this type of method fails when images have sky-region. So, a method is proposed, which can restore the visibility of hazy images. First, a hazy image is divided into blocks of size 32 × 32, then the score of each block is calculated to select a block having the highest score. Atmospheric light is calculated from the selected block. A new color channel is considered to remove atmospheric scattering, obtained channel value and atmospheric light are then used to calculate the transmission map in the second step. Third, radiance is computed using a transmission map and atmospheric light. The illumination scaling factor is adopted to enhance the quality of a dehazed image in the final step. Experiments are performed on six datasets namely, I-HAZE, O-HAZE, BSDS500, FRIDA, RESIDE dataset and natural images from Google. The proposed method is compared against 11 state-of-the-art methods. The performance is analyzed using fourteen quantitative evaluation metrics. All the results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms 11 state-of-the-art methods in most of the cases.

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