
We consider the Kondo lattice model in two dimensions at half filling. In addition to the fermionic hopping integral $t$ and the superexchange coupling $J$ the role of a Coulomb repulsion $U$ in the conduction band is investigated. We find the model to display a magnetic order-disorder transition in the U-J plane with a critical value of J_c which is decreasing as a function of U. The single particle spectral function A(k,w) is computed across this transition. For all values of J > 0, and apart from shadow features present in the ordered state, A(k,w) remains insensitive to the magnetic phase transition with the first low-energy hole states residing at momenta k = (\pm \pi, \pm \pi). As J -> 0 the model maps onto the Hubbard Hamiltonian. Only in this limit, the low-energy spectral weight at k = (\pm \pi, \pm \pi) vanishes with first electron removal-states emerging at wave vectors on the magnetic Brillouin zone boundary. Thus, we conclude that (i) the local screening of impurity spins determines the low energy behavior of the spectral function and (ii) one cannot deform continuously the spectral function of the Mott-Hubbard insulator at J=0 to that of the Kondo insulator at J > J_c. Our results are based on both, T=0 Quantum Monte-Carlo simulations and a bond-operator mean-field theory.

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