
A simplified and compact algorithm with low computational cost providing an accuracy around tens of meters for artificial satellite orbit determination in real-time and on-board is developed in this work. The state estimation method is the extended Kalman filter. The Cowell's method is used to propagate the state vector, through a simple Runge–Kutta numerical integrator of fourth order with fixed step size. The modeled forces are due to the geopotential up to 50th order and degree of JGM-2 model. To time-update the state error covariance matrix, it is considered a simplified force model. In other words, in computing the state transition matrix, the effect of J 2 (Earth flattening) is analytically considered, which unloads dramatically the processing time. In the measurement model, the single frequency GPS pseudorange is used, considering the effects of the ionospheric delay, clock offsets of the GPS and user satellites, and relativistic effects. To validate this model, real live data are used from Topex/Poseidon satellite and the results are compared with the Topex/Poseidon Precision Orbit Ephemeris (POE) generated by NASA/JPL, for several test cases. It is concluded that this compact algorithm enables accuracies of tens of meters with such simplified force model, analytical approach for computing the transition matrix, and a cheap GPS receiver providing single frequency pseudorange measurements.

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