
High resolution translational energy spectra have been obtained for state-selective single-electron capture by 8 keV B 2+ in Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe. The Ne spectrum is used to determine accurately the zero energy change position for subsequent analysis of the three other systems. Six capture channels have been unambiguously identified for Ar, all producing Ar + in the ground [3p 5 2P 0] state. Kr exhibited eight capture channels and Xe seven, with both systems exhibiting spin-orbit splitting of the 2 P 3 2 , 1 2 state, Kr + being split by 0.67 eV and Xe + by 1.3 eV. The Kr + spectrum is neatly ordered into four well separated doublet peaks, whereas the relationship between doublets for Xe + is less obvious. Using a statistical model to compare the expected populations of the spin-orbit states of Kr + and Xe + to the observed populations, a novel method for calculating the gradient of the reaction window for systems which exhibit spin-orbit splitting has been developed. By comparing partial cross section data from all collision systems under study the results were found to be in good agreement with the Landau-Zener curve-crossing model.

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