
The constant changes in the world are the new normal. Increasing of the population, wars on the planet, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) creation, which is more efficient than the humans' brain, the population have almost used the biopotential of Earth. Today's world is one of "VUCA" (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). Therefore, all humanity intuitively feels that education must change radically. The main trend in modern education is increasingly implementing the model of life long learning, which allows a person to adapt and develop the competences and professional skills in line with rapid changes in the economy, technology, and labor markets. Today, consumers of educational services prefer to decide by themselves what, when, and how they want to learn. The motives for personal growth are increasing in education. The challenges of modern education and science cannot be overcome without going beyond the old educational models, without the development and implementation of innovative forms of education. The growing diversity of human personal requests, on the one hand, and the dynamics of the labor market driven by the acceleration of socioeconomic changes, on the other hand, cannot be satisfied within the existing forms of traditional education. The problem of inconsistency of the formed education system with the new needs of society and people is aggravated. In these circumstances, we need a new perspective on the role and importance of education, that will meet current educational needs thanks to the widespread introduction of educational innovations. Today, for Ukraine it is actual and possible to implement the life-learning educational model, which requires the state to support and develop subsystems of this model: non-formal and informal education, online education, blended learning models. Lifelong learning at the national level should be defined as a full-fledged educational field with due regard for quality control and quality assurance with the recognition of various forms of education. In this context for four years now, representatives of the scientific elite of Ukraine and the EU Member States have been gathering to discuss and solve problems of SINGLE EDUCATIONAL SPACE IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. The result of this is a collective monograph prepared by representatives from Ukraine, Georgia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Poland and the Croatia. In the process of preparing the collective monograph, the scientists conducted a comprehensive analysis of the issues of the education system, lifelong learning, education management, the impact of science and education on various sectors of the economy have been identified and analyzed, the ways of building education and science are determined. For the successful implementation of the process of education reform, it is essential that the experience of innovation activities of universities in different countries of the world. The proposed collective monograph is a collaborative international effort that will be of benefit to anyone interested in innovation because modern science and education must be the lifeblood of the entire civilized world. And all the knowledge embedded in a person must work to solve the problems that a person faces.

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