
The LOINC-RSNA Radiology Playbook represents the future direction of standardization for radiology procedure names. We developed a software solution ("RadMatch") utilizing Python 2.7 and FuzzyWuzzy, an open-source fuzzy string matching algorithm created by SeatGeek, to implement the LOINC-RSNA Radiology Playbook for adult abdomen and pelvis CT and MR procedures performed at our institution. Execution of this semi-automated method resulted in the assignment of appropriate LOINC numbers to 86% of local CT procedures. For local MR procedures, appropriate LOINC numbers were assigned to 75% of these procedures whereas 12.5% of local MR procedures could only be partially mapped. For the standardized local procedures, only 63% of CT and 71% of MR procedures had corresponding RadLex Playbook identifier (RPID) codes in the LOINC-RSNA Radiology Playbook, which limited the utility of RPID codes. RadMatch is a semi-automated open-source software tool that can assist radiology departments seeking to standardize their radiology procedures via implementation of the LOINC-RSNA Radiology Playbook.

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