
ATP and adenosine(5')tetraphospho(5')adenosine (Ap4A), released from adrenal chromaffin cells, are potent stimulators of endothelial cell function. Using single-cell fura-2 fluorescence recording techniques to measure free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), we have investigated the role of purinoceptor subtypes in the activation of cocultured chromaffin and endothelial cells. ATP evoked concentration-dependent [Ca2+]i rises (EC50 = 3.8 microM) in a subpopulation of chromaffin cells. Both ATP-sensitive and -insensitive cells were potently activated by nicotine, bradykinin and muscarine. Reducing extracellular free Ca2+ concentration to around 100 nM suppressed the [Ca2+]i transient evoked by ATP but not the [Ca2+]i response to bradykinin. ATP-sensitive chromaffin cells were also potently stimulated by 2-methylthioadenosine triphosphate (2MeSATP; EC50 = 12.5 microM) and UTP, but did not respond to either adenosine 5'-[beta-thio]diphosphate (ADP[beta S]), a P2Y receptor agonist, adenosine 5'-[alpha,beta-methylene]triphosphate (pp-[CH2]pA), a P2X agonist or AMP. Adrenal endothelial cells displayed concentration-dependent [Ca2+]i responses when stimulated with ATP (EC50 = 0.86 microM), UTP (EC50 = 1.6 microM) and 2MeSATP (EC50 = 0.38 microM). 2MeSATP behaved as a partial agonist. Ap4A and ADP[beta S] also raised the [Ca2+]i in endothelial cells, whereas AMP and pp[CH2]pA were ineffective. Lowering extracellular free Ca2+ to around 100 nM did not affect the peak ATP-evoked [Ca2+]i rise in these cells. It is concluded that different purinoceptor subtypes are heterogeneously distributed among the major cell types of the adrenal medulla. An intracellular Ca(2+)-releasing P2U-type purinoceptor is specifically localized to adrenal endothelial cells, while a subpopulation of chromaffin cells expresses a non-P2X, non-P2Y subtype exclusively coupled to Ca2+ influx.

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