
Ongoing efforts to develop single-atom catalysts (SACs) for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) typically focus on SACs with cationic metal centers, while SACs with anionic metal centers (anionic SACs) have been generally neglected. However, anionic SACs may offer excellent active sites for ORR, since anionic metal centers could facilitate the activation of O2 by back donating electrons to the antibonding orbitals of O2. In this work, we propose a simple guideline for designing anionic SACs: the metal centers should have larger electronegativity than the surrounding atoms in the substrate on which the metal atoms are supported. By means of density functional theory (DFT) simulations, we identified 13 anionic metal centers (Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, and Hg) dispersed on pristine or defective antimonene substrates as new anionic SACs, among which anionic Au and Co metal centers exhibit limiting potentials comparable to, or even better than, conventional Pt-based catalysts towards ORR. We also found that anionic Os and Re metal centers on the defective antimonene can electrochemically catalyze the nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) with a limiting potential close to that of stepped Ru(0001). Overall, our work shows promise towards the rational design of anionic SACs and their utility for applications as electrocatalysts for ORR and other important electrochemical reactions.

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