
SMC is a problem of n parties with inputs (x1, x2…xn) , hand over their inputs to third party for computation f(x1, x2…xn) and third party announces the result in the form of y. During joint computation of inputs, all the organizations involved in computation wish to preserve privacy of their inputs. So need is to define a protocol which maintains privacy, security and correctness parameters of SMC. In this paper, single third party and multi third party model are defined and compared. The probabilistic evidences for single and multi third party SMC model have been analyzed with security analysis graphs. In this paper, we have also worked on identification and reduction of malicious conduct of TTPs in multi TTP environment.KeywordsSecure Multiparty Computation (SMC)Trusted Third Party (TTP)Single TTPmulti TTPprivacysecuritycorrectness

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