
Single anastomosis sleeve ileal bypass (SASI) is a combined bariatric metabolic technique, in which few studies have shown its outcomes efficacy. However, this technique has a high risk of malnutrition due to long biliopancreatic limb. Single anastomosis sleeve jejunal bypass (SASJ) has a shorter limb. Therefore, it seems to have a lower risk of nutrient deficiency. Furthermore, this technique is relatively new, and little is known about the efficacy and safety of SASJ. We aim to report our mid-term follow-up of SASJ from a high-volume center for bariatric metabolic surgery in the Middle East region. For the current study, the 18-month follow-up data of 43 patients with severe obesity who underwent SASJ was collected. The primary outcome measures were demographic data, weight change variables according to ideal body mass index (BMI) of 25kg/m2 at 6, 12, and 18months, laboratory assessments, remission of obesity-associated medical problems, and other potential bariatric metabolic complications after the surgery. No patient was lost due to follow-up. After 18months, patients lost 43.4 ± 11kg of their weight and 68 ± 14% of their excess weight, and their BMI decreased from 44.9 ± 4.7 to 28.6 ± 3.8kg/m2 (p < 0.001). The percentage of total weight loss till 18months was 36.3%. The T2D remission rate at 18months was 100%. Patients neither faced deficiency in significant markers for nutrition state nor represented major bariatric metabolic surgery complications. SASJ bypass achieved satisfactory weight loss and remissions in obesity-associated medical problems within 18months after surgery without major complications and malnutrition.

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