
Innovations in technology have fast outpaced the rate of change in most legal system, and it is clear that innovation continues to develop at speed. The law is in an interesting phase of development as our courts and legislatures adapt to recognize and apply legal principles in such innovative contexts. B2C2 Ltd v Quoine Pte Ltd [2019] SGHC(I) 3(hereinafter ‘B2C2’) concerned trades relating to the sale by electronic market maker of the cryptocurrency. B2C2 is one of the first cases to consider issues of contract and trust law in the context of the trading of cryptocurrencies and contains interesting observations as to how the doctrine of mistake in common law and equity may apply to such contracts. The relief sought is also of interest, the primary relief sought by plaintiff was specific performance coupled with damages. SICC disagreed. Disputes involving disruptive technologies, such as cryptocurrencies and smart contracts, pose unique legal issues that are difficult to answer. It is important to monitor and influence developments about these issues.

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