
AbstractThe Instituto Alzheimer Brasil (IAB) is a non‐governmental organization that promotes information about Alzheimer’s disease to the community, offering support for people with dementia, caregivers, and familiars. During the covid pandemic, it was implemented an online support group via messaging app using music as an instrument for relaxation and exchange of positive experiences among family caregivers. The present study aimed to describe the SING SING IAB PROJECT and its benefits to participants.The group was created in November 2020 and the invitation was made to family caregivers who participated in our monthly online support meetings. To participate in the group, the family caregiver must rehearse a song that has some relation to their personal history, or that of their family member with Alzheimer’s, record a personal video and post it in the group (messaging application) for other participants to enjoy. These videos can be only of the caregiver, the family, or with the family member who has Alzheimer’s disease and can be recorded only with singing, accompanied by musical instruments, or karaoke. The rule to remain in the group is the confidentiality of the images, which are restricted to the group only, and the posting only of videos with musical recordings or positive comments to the videos posted. So far, we have had the participation of 62 caregivers and family members with Alzheimer’s Disease. The project has continued since November 2020, so far we have had the participation of 62 caregivers and family members with AD. 357 videos were published up to January 2022. We are collecting reports of the benefits of the group of caregivers and patients with AD. The objective was to use music as a therapeutic intervention in mental health and improve the quality of life of caregivers and family members with AD.Participants' reports refer to several benefits such as not feeling alone in caring, a welcoming and friendly environment amid so many difficulties, beneficially interfering with the quality of life of the caregiver and their family members with AD.

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