
The article tells about one of the brightest religious exponents of Russian thought, “the Ascetic of the Russian Land”, the Orthodox Christian Nikolay Pestov (1892–1982). The integrity of his Christian worldview arouses a genuine interest in him. The theological works by Nikolay Pestov should be undoubtedly considered in inextricable connection with the study of his life journey. Therefore, special attention is paid to the biography of the thinker based on documentary sources and autobiography. The article observes Nikolay Pestov’s spiritual rebirth, his transformation from the external to the internal, “...from Saul to Paul...”. This approach allows to appreciate the significance of his own experience of Orthodox piety and to see the true value of his gift of writing. Focusing on modern readers, who might encounter difficulties in perception and understanding of literary forms typical for the fourth century, Nikolay Pestov managed to “write without saying anything new, but saying everything as if in a new way instead”. All this becomes possible thanks to the amazing bread th in quoting the “source of eternal truth — the Holy Scriptures”, the works by ascetics of piety of the late 19th–20th centuries, writers, philosophers, teachers, poets, as well as examples from the lives of saints. It is quite difficult to find an equally proper niche for Pestov’s guide in religious literature, since spiritual books were created primarily by monastics describing their own experience. Being a layman himself, Nikolay Pestov wrote a book for lay people, for those who are ready to perform a Christian feat in their family, in education, in friendship, at work, during the day, in conversations and in silence. Nikolay Pestov’s two-volume book shows the way to Christ. It would be a mistake to think that Nikolay Pestov only indicates “the way of salvation” for his readers. He himself is a wanderer, a fellow traveler, a companion on the way. He himself continues his spiritual ascent. The theologian called his series of books “a thesis research” on the topic “Experience of Building a Christian Worldview”. Today this work is called The Modern Practice of Orthodox Piety. The author Nikolay Pestov signed his works with ГБР (GBR) abbreviation meaning the Sinful Servant of God in Russian. The article attempts to show the eternity of Christian wisdom by repeated address to theological works by Nikolay Pestov.

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