
Citrus Greening, also known as Huanglongbing (HLB), is one of the most devastating diseases affecting citrus cultivation worldwide. This disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted by psyllids, insects that feed on plant sap. Greening results in severe symptoms such as wilting and yellowing of the leaves, compromising the production and quality of the fruits, and in many cases, leading to the death of the trees. The losses have been significant in various parts of the world, especially in Florida, where crops have been decimated, resulting in substantial economic damages to the citrus sector. Given this threat, the adoption of appropriate control measures and strategies is essential for effective prevention and combat of the disease. The general objective of this work is to investigate and present a synergistic and integrated approach to measures and control strategies for Citrus Greening, aiming to prevent the spread of the disease, combat its propagation, and promote proper and sustainable management of citrus crops. The methodology used in this work consists of a comprehensive and systematic bibliographic review on the topic of Citrus Greening control.

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