
By viewing the sine-Gordon and massive Thirring models as perturbed conformal field theories, one sees that they are different (the difference being observable, for instance, in finite-volume energy levels). The UV limit of the former (SGM) is a Gaussian model, that of the latter (MTM) a so-called fermionic Gaussian model, the compactification radius of the boson underlying both theories depending on the SG/MT coupling. (These two families of conformal field theories are related by a “twist”.) Corresponding SG and MT models contain a subset of fields with identical correlation functions, but each model also has fields the other one does not have; for example, the fermion fields of MTM are not contained in SGM, and the bosonic soliton fields of SGM are not in MTM. Our results imply, in particular, that the SGM at the so-called “free-Dirac point” β2=4π is actually a theory of two interacting bosons with diagonal S-matrix S=−1, and that for arbitrary couplings the overall sign of the accepted SG S-matrix in the soliton sector should be reversed. More generally, we draw attention to the existence of new classes of quantum field theories, analogs of the (perturbed) fermionic Gaussians models, whose partition functions are invariant only under a subgroup of the modular group. One such class comprises “fermionic versions” of the Virasoro minimal models.

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