
espanolLa Gran Recesion en Espana trajo consigo nuevas formas de hacerse adulto. Aunque la precariedad laboral y las dificultades para emanciparse no son nuevas, por primera vez las cohortes jovenes iban a confrontar un futuro poco alentador. A medida que la crisis se profundizaba, se extendia la sensacion de que las desventajas que tambien habian experimentado cohortes anteriores no eran esta vez un estado transitorio en el que los individuos iban a soportar las adversidades bajo la expectativa de que, mas pronto que tarde, iban a alcanzar un puerto seguro, donde disfrutarian de los privilegios caracte-risticos de la vida adulta. En este articulo examino los procesos sociales y politicos que conducen a estos sentimientos de vulnerabilidad subjetiva durante la Gran Recesion, asi como las diferentes reacciones a estos nuevos horizontes. En la ultima seccion, la atencion se concentra en las estrategias politicas de los dos principales partidos en el panorama espanol, PSOE y PP, para acomodar las nuevas demandas e incertidumbres de los jovenes. The Great Recession in Spain has created new paths leading toward adulthood. While labour precariousness and difficulties leaving the parental home are not new, this was the first time that younger generations faced bleak long-term prospects. As the crisis deepened, it became increasingly evident that the disadvantages experienced by former generations, this time would not be temporary, with any hope that individuals could endure a period of hardship before reaching, sooner rather than later, the safe harbour where they would eventually enjoy the privileges of adulthood. In this article, I examine the social and political processes that produced sentiments of subjective vulnerability during the Great Recession and different reactions to the new prospects. The last section focuses on the political strategies employed by of the two main political parties in the Spanish landscape, PSOE and PP, to accommodate the new demands and uncertainties faced by young people. DeutschThe Great Recession in Spain has created new paths leading toward adulthood. While labour precariousness and difficulties leaving the parental home are not new, this was the first time that younger generations faced bleak long-term prospects. As the crisis deepened, it became increasingly evident that the disadvantages experienced by former generations, this time would not be temporary, with any hope that individuals could endure a period of hardship before reaching, sooner rather than later, the safe harbour where they would eventually enjoy the privileges of adulthood. In this article, I examine the social and political processes that produced sentiments of subjective vulnerability during the Great Recession and different reactions to the new prospects. The last section focuses on the political strategies employed by of the two main political parties in the Spanish landscape, PSOE and PP, to accommodate the new demands and uncertainties faced by young people.

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