
We present an example of Global Positioning System (GPS) derived total electron content (TEC) and all‐sky camera (ASC) images that show increases of TEC by ∼10 × 1016 electrons m−2 (10 TEC units) occurring simultaneously with auroral light in ASC images. The TEC example appears to be an E region density enhancement produced by two discrete auroral arcs occurring in the late morning auroral oval at 1000 LT. This suggests that GPS signal TEC measurements can be used to detect individual auroral arcs and that individual discrete auroral arcs are responsible for some high‐latitude phase scintillations. The specific auroral feature detected was a poleward moving auroral form believed to occur in the polar cap where the ionosphere is convecting antisunward. The magnitude of the rate of change of TEC (dTEC/dt) is comparable to that previously reported. However, the timescales associated with the event, the order of 1 min, suggest that the data sampling technique commonly used by chain GPS TEC receivers (averaging and time decimation) will undersample E region TEC perturbations produced by active auroral displays. The localized nature of this example implies that L1 ranging errors of at least 1.6 m will be introduced by auroral arcs into systems relying on differential GPS for navigation or augmentation. Although the TEC and auroral arcs presented herein occurred in the late morning auroral oval, we expect that the effects of discrete auroral arcs on GPS TEC and subsequent ranging errors should occur at all local times. Furthermore, GPS receivers can be used to detect individual discrete arcs.

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