
We theoretically analyze and experimentally demonstrate a photonic scheme to realize light-controlled microwave frequency multiplication and single sideband (SSB) modulation simultaneously. By properly choosing operational parameters of the orthogonal polarized pump light to stimulate the nonlinear birefringent effect in highly nonlinear fiber, the proposed scheme can realize different functions. One is to generate a high-frequency microwave signal with a tunable multiplication factor among 1, 2, 4, and 8. The other is to obtain an SSB signal with tunable optical carrier to sideband ratio (OCSR) or simultaneous suppression of the − first- and + second-order sidebands. We demonstrate the frequency multiplication function theoretically. A frequency-octupled signal at 144 GHz is obtained. The SSB modulation from 10 to 40 GHz with OCSR ranging from −8.7 to 26.7 dB is demonstrated by experiment. The SSB modulation with simultaneous suppression of the − first- and + second-order sidebands is also observed. The proposed approach operates easily and no wavelength-depended device is required. Results show that it has potential applications in improving the transmission of photonic microwave signal processing systems.

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