
We present a scheme to realize simultaneous quantum squeezing of light polarizations and atomic spins via a perturbed double electromagnetically induced transparency (DEIT) in a cold four-level atomic ensemble coupled with a probe laser pulse of two polarization components. We derive two coupled quantum nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations from Maxwell-Heisenberg-Langevin equations describing the quantum dynamics of the atoms and the probe pulse and develop a quantum theory of vector optical soliton (VOS), which have ultraslow propagation velocity and extremely low generation power. We solve the non-Hermitian eigenvalue problem describing the quantum fluctuations on the background of the VOS and rigorously prove that all fluctuation eigenmodes (including continuous modes and four zero modes) obtained constitute a biorthonormal and complete set. We find that, due to the giant self- and cross-Kerr nonlinearities contributed by the perturbed DEIT, a large polarization squeezing of the probe pulse can be realized. We also find that, together with the polarization squeezing of the probe pulses, a significant squeezing of atomic spins also occurs simultaneously. The results of the simultaneous squeezing of light polarizations and atomic spins by using only a coherent probe pulse reported here opens a route for uncovering the unique property of the quantum interface between light and atomic ensembles and also for applications in quantum information and precision measurement.

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