
A low-cost multicamera Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) is used to simultaneously estimate open-coast topography and bathymetry from a single longitudinal coastal flight. The UAS combines nadir and oblique imagery to create a wide field of view (FOV), which enables collection of mobile, long dwell timeseries of the littoral zone suitable for structure-from motion (SfM), and wave speed inversion algorithms. Resultant digital surface models (DSMs) compare well with terrestrial topographic lidar and bathymetric survey data at Duck, NC, USA, with root-mean-square error (RMSE)/bias of 0.26/–0.05 and 0.34/–0.05 m, respectively. Bathymetric data from another flight at Virginia Beach, VA, USA, demonstrates successful comparison (RMSE/bias of 0.17/0.06 m) in a secondary environment. UAS-derived engineering data products, total volume profiles and shoreline position, were congruent with those calculated from traditional topo-bathymetric surveys at Duck. Capturing both topography and bathymetry within a single flight, the presented multicamera system is more efficient than data acquisition with a single camera UAS; this advantage grows for longer stretches of coastline (10 km). Efficiency increases further with an on-board Global Navigation Satellite System–Inertial Navigation System (GNSS-INS) to eliminate ground control point (GCP) placement. The Appendix reprocesses the Virginia Beach flight with the GNSS–INS input and no GCPs.

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