
The mechanism of discontinuous transcription for the synthesis of a series of sub-genomic mRNAs to express the structural proteins of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) potentially allows for the simultaneous expression of multiple foreign genes. This can occur by insertion of multiple novel independent transcription units between the ORF sequences of the PRRSV genome. Here, an expression cassette consisting of a red fluorescent protein (RFP) gene flanked at its 3′ end by transcription-regulating sequences (TRS) and an expression cassette consisting of an iLOV gene flanked at its 5′ end by TRS, was constructed. The resulting expression cassette containing a RFP and an iLOV gene were introduced between ORF1b and 2 as well as ORF7 and 3′UTR, respectively, in an infectious PRRSV cDNA clone. Transfection of the resulting clone (pGX-12RFP-73iLOV) into cells resulted in the recovery of a recombinant virus (rGX-12RFP-73iLOV). Simultaneous expression of RFP and iLOV was observed in MARC-145 cells infected with rGX-RFP-iLOV. To test the ability of the PRRSV genome to express all three reporter genes simultaneously, an expression cassette containing the Gluc gene and one containing the iLOV gene were also inserted in between ORF1b and 2 as well as ORF7 and 3′UTR, respectively. This was performed in a recently obtained infectious PRRSV cDNA clone carrying a RFP gene in nsp2. Transfection of the construct (pGX-R-Gluc-iLOV) carrying the three reporter genes into cells allowed the rescue of the recombinant reporter virus (rGX-R-Gluc-iLOV) which showed similar growth characteristics to the parental virus but yielded 100-fold less infectious viruses. Fluorescence microscopy of cells infected with rGX-R-Gluc-iLOV demonstrated the presence of both RFP and iLOV genes. Gluc activities in supernatants harvested at different time points from cells infected with recombinant viruses carrying Gluc showed increased levels of Gluc activity as the infection progressed. This indicated that Gluc gene as well as its activity were acceptable parameters to monitor viral propagation. Our results indicate that it is possible to introduce at least three foreign proteins simultaneously in a PRRSV-based vector and such studies will prove invaluable in our future understanding of these viruses.

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