
We consider the effects of hydrostatic pressure and temperature on the binding energy and photoionization cross section of hydrogen-like impurity in Pöschl–Teller quantum well. The ground state energy and the impurity wave function are calculated using the variational method. The binding energy dependencies on the width of the quantum well, the hydrostatic pressure, the impurity position and the temperature are reported. The dependencies of the photoionization cross section on incident photon energy for two different polarizations of the light, different values of hydrostatic pressure and temperature have been also considered. The results show that the binding energy is an increasing (decreasing) function of the hydrostatic pressure (temperature) and that the binding energy can increase or decrease depending not only on the values of the confining potential parameters, but also on the impurity position. In the case of the photoionization cross section, the results show that by changing the polarization of the light, the behavior of the photoionization cross section dependence on photon energy changes dramatically. Associated with the increasing (decreasing) of the binding energy with the hydrostatic pressure (temperature) there is a redshift (blueshift) of the photoionization cross section as a function of the energy of the incident photon.

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