
A coupling sensitive solid phase spectrophotometric (SPS) procedure for determination of traces of heavy metals ( Me-SPS) and multicomponent analysis by multiple linear regressions (MA), a simple methodology for simultaneous determination of metals in mixtures was inaugurated. The Me-SPS procedure is based on sorption of heavy metals on PAN-resin and direct absorbance measurements of colour product Me-PAN sorbed on a solid carrier in a 1-mm cell. This methodology ( Me-SPS-MA) was checked by simultaneous determination of metals in synthetic mixtures with different compositions and contents of metals important in pharmaceutical practice: Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Co, and Ni. Good agreement between experimental and theoretical amounts of heavy metals is obtained from the recovery test (78.3–110.0%). The proposed method enables determination of particular metal ion at the ng mL −1 level and it was successfully applied to the determination impurities from heavy metal traces in pharmaceutical substances (Cu in ascorbic acid, Pb in glucose, and Zn in insulin). The proposed procedure could be possible contribution to the development of pharmacopoeial methodology for a heavy metals test.

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