
Discussion In the guilty condition, mean P300 amplitude for target, probe and irrelevant stimuli were 6.6, 8.1, and 4.7 μV, respectively. For the innocent condition, mean P300 amplitude for target, probe, and irrelevant were 8.0, 5.6, and 4.7 μV, respectively. In both conditions, probe elicited larger P300 than the irrelevant stimuli. This effect was especially marked at the Pz site. A repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant difference for the main effect of stimulus (F(2,18) =16.81, p .05, e=1.0, partial η2=.11). Moreover, an interaction between stimulus and condition was found to be significant (F(2,18) =5.50, p<.05, e=.82, partial η2=.38). Multiple comparisons revealed that the probe elicited significantly larger P300 amplitudes than the irrelevant stimuli (p<.05, using Bonferroni's method) only in the guilty condition. Additionally, the probe-elicited P300 amplitude in the guilty condition was significantly larger than that in the innocent condition (p<.05, using Bonferroni's method). Results Introduction

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