
High-speed, three-dimensional (3D) scalar-velocity field measurements are demonstrated in a lifted partially-premixed dimethyl-ether/air jet flame using simultaneous laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) of formaldehyde (CH2O) and tomographic particle image velocimetry (TPIV). The 3D LIF measurements are performed by raster scanning the laser beam from a 100 kHz pulse-burst laser across the probe volume using an acousto-optic deflector. The volumetric reconstruction of the LIF signal from ten parallel planes provides quasi-instantaneous 3D LIF measurements that are synchronized with 10 kHz TPIV measurements. The temporally resolved CH2O-LIF and velocity field data are used to analyze Lagrangian particle trajectories and displacement speeds at the base of the lifted flame. The particle trajectories reveal flow structures that are difficult to observe in an Eulerian reference frame. Positive and negative displacement speeds are observed at the CH2O-LIF surfaces at the inner and outer regions of the jet flame with a maximum displacement speed of approximately eight times the laminar flame speed of a stoichiometric dimethyl-ether/air mixture. The observations in present study support formation of lean premixed flames near the flame base whose role in flame stabilization should be investigated in more detail.

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