
Knowledge graph embedding technique is one of the mainstream methods to handle the link prediction task, which learns embedding representations for each entity and relation to predict missing links in knowledge graphs. In general, previous convolution-based models apply convolution filters on the reshaped input feature maps to extract expressive features. However, existing convolution-based models cannot extract the interaction information of entities and relations among the same and different dimensional entries simultaneously. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel convolution-based model (SimulE), which utilizes two paths simultaneously to capture the rich interaction information of entities and relations. One path uses 1D convolution filters on 2D reshaped input maps, which maintains the translation properties of the triplets and has the ability to extract interaction information of entities and relations among the same dimensional entries. Another path employs 3D convolution filters on the 3D reshaped input maps, which is suitable for capturing the interaction information of entities and relations among the different dimensional entries. Experimental results show that SimulE can effectively model complex relation types and achieve state-of-the-art performance in almost all metrics on three benchmark datasets. In particular, compared with baseline ConvE, SimulE outperforms it in MRR by 2.9%, 9.8% and 2.8% on FB15k-237, YAGO3-10 and DB100K respectively.

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