
Wireless networks consists of several nodes which require individual battery or power supply for the purpose of operation. These active nodes lose their respective energy during their respective operations such as to provide communication between various nodes. So, in modern communication system, recharge and replacement of such nodes or their batteries is a challenging task due to their deployment in the remote places. Thus, to get efficient routing criteria and to increase the efficiency of WSN is a major challenging task for researchers, therefore a large number of researches have worked on the concept to increase the lifespan and efficiency of WSNs with different routing protocols. However, there are still a number of issues that require further analysis and investigation. For the purpose of sending and sensing of data, LEACH protocol is one of the widely used protocols and algorithm. The proposed algorithm or technique use cluster forming technique which is based on formation of several clusters during different events, cluster head selection, aggregation of the efficient and sensed data within desired cluster and sending that particular data to base station in a manner to maintain both energy and efficiency of system. In this paper, we analyzed the complexity of entire networks in the terms of various packet send to BS, number of dead nodes created during the operation and sum of energy of several nodes of entire network. Several experimental results are carried out to show the complexity of packets, detection of dead nodes and energy of network with different number of nodes.

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