
Abstract The relationship between African easterly waves and convection is examined in two coupled general circulation models: the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) and the “superparameterized” CCSM (SP-CCSM). In the CCSM, the easterly waves are much weaker than observed. In the SP-CCSM, a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model replaces the conventional cloud parameterizations of CCSM. Results show that this allows for the simulation of easterly waves with realistic horizontal and vertical structures, although the model exaggerates the intensity of easterly wave activity over West Africa. The simulated waves of SP-CCSM are generated in East Africa and propagate westward at similar (although slightly slower) phase speeds to observations. The vertical structure of the waves resembles the first baroclinic mode. The coupling of the waves with convection is realistic. Evidence is provided herein that the diabatic heating associated with deep convection provides energy to the waves simulated in SP-CCSM. In contrast, horizontal and vertical structures of the weak waves in CCSM are unrealistic, and the simulated convection is decoupled from the circulation.

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