
A helical cooling channel (HCC) has been proposed to quickly reduce the six dimensional phase space of muon beams for muon colliders, neutrino factories, and intense muon sources. The HCC is composed of solenoidal, helical dipole, and helical quadrupole current coils to provide focusing and dispersion needed for emittance exchange as the beam follows an equilibrium helical orbit. Inside the coils constituting the HCC examined here, a series of RF cavities filled with dense hydrogen gas acts as the energy absorber for ionization cooling and also suppressed RF breakdown. Two Monte Carlo simulation programs have been developed to compare HCC performance with analytic predictions and to begin the process of optimizing practical designs that could be built in the near future. We discuss the programs, the comparisons with the analytical theory, and the prospects for a HCC design with the capability to reduce the six-dimensional phase space emittance of a muon beam by a factor of over five orders of magnitude in a linear channel less than 100 meters long.

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