
The intermediate subdiffusion of diffusive particles in crowded systems is studied for two model systems: the continuous time random walk (CTRW) model and the obstruction-binding model. For the CTRW model with an arbitrarily given longest waiting time τmax, we find that the diffusive particle exhibits subdiffusion below τmax and recovers normal diffusion above τmax. For the obstruction-binding model with randomly distributed attractive obstacles, the diffusion of the diffusive particle is dependent on the binding energy and the density of obstacles. Interestingly, diffusion curves for different binding strengths can be overlapped by rescaling the simulation time, indicating that the diffusive particle in the obstruction-binding model can change from the intermediate subdiffusion to the normal diffusion at a long-term simulation scale. The results of the two model systems show that the diffusive particles only exhibit intermediate subdiffusion below the longest waiting time. Therefore, long timescale subdiffusion would only be observed in the CTRW model with an infinitely long waiting time and in the obstruction-binding model with an infinitely large binding strength.

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