
High-rise teaching buildings are complex public buildings that combine the evacuation risks of school buildings and high-rise buildings. In this regard, studying fire product transport patterns and personnel evacuation characteristics of high-rise school buildings is crucial for safe and rapid evacuation. In this paper, we applied Pyrosim2018 software to build a model of a teaching building and performed numerical fire simulation to analyze temperature, CO gas, and visibility to determine the available evacuation time ASET; meanwhile, we performed evacuation simulation by Pathfinder 2019 to determine the required evacuation time and analyze the congestion problem during evacuation. By improving the evacuation route, secondary simulations were conducted and compared with the previous results. The results show that visibility is the main factor affecting evacuation in of the event of a fire in this school building. Based on the visibility analysis, it is recommended that personnel evacuate from floors four and above within 709.2 S when the fire location is at a specific position on the third floor. While the original safety exits of the school building can avoid a large number of casualties, they cannot guarantee the safe evacuation of all people, and planning a reasonable evacuation route can obviously relieve the evacuation pressure in the high-rise corridor.

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