
Interactions between energetic particles (EPs), an internal kink mode, and other magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities in the inductive scenario of JT-60SA (scenario 2) are simulated with MEGA, a global EP–MHD hybrid code. For this scenario, it was predicted by TOPICS, an integrated transport code that the internal kink mode can be unstable and the sawtooth relaxation results in a flat safety factor (q) profile with q ≈ 1 for . In this equilibrium, it is found in the simulation results that the stability of the internal kink mode depends strongly on the bulk plasma pressure gradient (). In the n = 1 simulations where the toroidal mode number is restricted to n = 0 and 1, the pressure-driven internal kink mode is dominant. In the presence of co-passing EPs generated by the negative-ion-based neutral beam (NB), these EPs transfer energy to the internal kink mode; however, the EP driving rate () is much lower than the driving rate from the bulk plasma pressure gradient (). The mode’s frequency is less than 1 kHz because the toroidal orbit frequency (ω φ ) and poloidal orbit frequency (ω θ ) of the co-passing EPs are approximately equal within the q = 1 surfaces. This mode affects the EP and bulk plasma pressure redistributions. The feasibility of stabilizing the internal kink mode using trapped EPs is also investigated. It is found that the trapped EPs with energy 85 keV generated by the positive-ion-based NBs cannot stabilize the internal kink mode. Stabilization is observed when the injection energy is greater than 500 keV. In the multi-n simulations, where modes are retained, the most unstable modes are high n interchange modes with poloidal number m = n whose linear growth rates exceed that of the pressure-driven internal kink mode observed in the n = 1 simulations. The overlapping of these modes creates a stochastic magnetic field, leading to stronger EP and bulk plasma pressure redistributions than those observed in the n = 1 simulations. During the nonlinear phase, the transition from the high m = n modes to the low m = n modes is observed where the dominant mode is the mode with an internal kink-like structure. These low m = n modes are generated by the nonlinear coupling of the high m = n modes. The EP kinetic effect has a minor contribution to the dynamics of these nonlinearly generated m = n modes.

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