
The helical structures of DNA and double stranded RNA and their chiral nature lead to very specific and interesting mechanical properties. One such property is the twist-stretch coupling which, in case of DNA, has been found to be important in biological processes like DNA-protein binding and DNA packaging in viruses. Naively, as suggested by a simple picture of wringing out a cloth, both DNA and RNA should be expected to lengthen when unwound. Recent experiments on single DNA molecules has shown, however, that B-DNA in fact counter-intuitively shortens when twisted over a range around its native structure. This negative twist-stretch coupling of DNA has also been observed in some single molecule DNA simulation studies. A recent experiment on double stranded RNA has revealed that unlike DNA, RNA shortens when unwound, revealing a surprising difference between otherwise chemically similar molecules.In our study, we plan to probe the twist-stretch coupling of both DNA and ds-RNA using atomistic MD simulations. We will use harmonic twist constraints on individual molecules of double stranded B-DNA, A-RNA as well as the left-handed double helix Z-DNA of various nucleotide sequences, and then plot applied twist v/s stretch to get the values of twist-stretch coupling. This combined with a detailed analysis of the resultant atomistic structures will enable us to shed further light into the molecular details of this surprising effect.

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