
Current methods in robot-assisted therapy are limited in providing predictions of the effectiveness of interventions. Our approach focuses on how robotic interaction can impact the distribution of movements expressed in the arm. Using data from a previous study with stroke survivors (n=10), we performed simulations to examine how changes in hand endpoint impedance would alter exploratory motion. We present methods for designing a custom training intervention, by relating the desired change in acceleration covariance in planar motion with a corresponding change in inertia matrix. We first characterized motor exploration in terms of overall covariance in acceleration, and secondly as covariance that varies with position in the workspace. Using a forward dynamics simulation of the hand endpoint impedance, we found that the variable change in endpoint inertia resulted in better recovery of acceleration covariance compared to the fixed change in inertia method. These results could significantly impact rehabilitation firstly in terms of design principles for altering coordination patterns through direct assistance. Furthermore, our work might serve to improve therapy by facilitating access to repeated practice of independent joint motion.

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